fabrics for knitting

The Best Fabrics for Knitting Your Kids Clothing

fabrics for knitting

When it comes to children and their clothes, fabrics for knitting are perfect for their growing bodies. The main reason is because they are made of a stretchy type of quality and this makes it to where your kids will not grow out of them too quickly. Knitted clothing will also not shrink by large amounts as cotton items tend to do. This is wonderful for parents on a budget! You can make your child’s clothing out of knitted fabrics that match any season.

Fabrics for Knitting Winter

Fabrics for Knitting Winter Items

When you are making your child clothing for the winter, the best thing to do is to stick with double knit patterns. The reason for this is that double knit fabrics are much warmer and will provide your child with the comfort that they need on those cold winter days. Most of the coats, pants and dresses that are knit for the winter time are double knit, even the items you find in department stores. If you wish to buy instead of hand make these items, it is a good idea to purchase the clothing in a larger size because they do not give much as far as stretching goes. This will also allow your child to get more use out of the clothing. Knitted items tend to have more lasting power as it is. Keep all of this in mind if you are planning to hand make their winter clothing with double stitch knitting patterns.

Fabrics for Knitting Spring and Summer

Fabrics for Knitting Spring and Summer Clothing

For making your children spring and summer clothing items, single stitch fabrics are the best choices. The single knit patterns are one layered and therefore are lighter and airier for warm weather months. Make this type of clothing in a medium size so the stretchability is at its maximum and the items will fit more comfortably. You can make single knit clothing such as tee shirts, pyjamas, skirts and blouses. Anything you make with this type of fabric pattern promises to be cool and refreshing to wear in the heat! Single knit fabrics are especially perfect for young children who are not able to carry the weight of a heavier fabric. For babies it is the perfect way to keep them cool during a day in the park.

Fleece Knitting Fabrics

Velvet, Velour and Fleece Knitting Fabrics

Velvet, velour and fleece are great kids clothing items for several reasons. All of them are extremely stretchy and make the perfect clothing item for children who play sports or partake in a lot of outdoor play. They are also a great option for kids who are sick because they are not fabrics that are too light or too heavy – they are just right for keep body temperature at the right levels and providing comfort for an achy body. Of all the knitting fabrics for children’s clothes, these are the very best for all types of activities.

select your Knit Fabrics

How to Select Your Knit Fabrics

When shopping for knitting fabric for your children’s clothing it is important to first consider the purpose that they outfit will serve, as well as the stitching of the fabric you are choosing for that purpose. Know what season you wish to make the clothing for and choose the fabric accordingly. Again, double knit for winter and single for summer and spring. As far as the fall goes, this depends on the area in which you live. Some states do not even have fall weather but instead go from spring to winter. Some areas experience a fall that is just as warm as spring. Choose according to the place you live and the climate you are accustomed to experiencing.

Child’s Knit Fabric Clothing

Caring for Your Child’s Knit Fabric Clothing

Other than a quick wash and dry, children’s knit fabric clothing requires very little care. Unless it has been left to wrinkle in the dryer for too long, they do not require any ironing. Check to see how your particular fabric should be cared for in way of drying. Many people find it better to lay knit items on a flat surface to dry instead of the electric dryer. Also check to see if the fabric you have chosen should be washed regularly or on your washing machines delicate setting.

Both you and your children will love their new knit clothing! Be sure to make them part of the experience and allow them to choose patterns and colors that they love. There are so many choices when it comes to fabrics for knitting that everyone can find something that speaks to them!


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